Hello, salutations. I am pleased to announce that I have my first guest blog post. I never thought I was going to have the opportunity to host another person’s writing on this blog but I recently befriended someone who happens to share a common interest with me… and that would be Michael Jackson, especially in regard to the allegations of sexual contact with minors made against him throughout the years. I believe his essay provides some interesting food for thought, which is why I am pleased to be sharing with you all Boe’s “Bohemian Philistine” essay. Take a gander.
Out of all the celebrities assumed to have been attracted to minors, one of the most obvious figures in recent history is the one dismissed as such. Surprisingly some people in the MAP community ignore one of the most apparent. I have been interested in the allegations against Michael Jackson. I’m interested for multiple reasons. Despite his acquittal I still think he did what he did. Most of the general population and his fans are in denial over it because they wouldn’t want to think of Michael Jackson as a pedophile. Because in their eyes that is the worst thing someone could be. The ignorant say, “he did all these good things so there is no way a pedophile would do such a thing.” This comes from a misconception that MAPs are bad people for their attraction. This isn’t the case.
There is a biopic coming out about Michael in the following year. It will either go horrible for the MJ estate or be a success. Either way Michael Jackson is trending and this could be an opportunity. It would be beneficial to associate Michael Jackson with us. Because it can prove that pedophiles can do good like give to charity, make impactful art and care for the poor and sick. Good traits of someone empathetic. Honestly it’s a universal fact that Michael Jackson’s life story is sad. But if you believe the opinion that he was a homosexual pedophile, it also makes his story a lot more sadder. He was probably filled with so much self hatred and sexual repression. There was no way he could come out even as a homosexual back then. He most certainly would not have come out as a boylover. It would have ruined everything for him. I understand why he didn’t come out. Like it or not, if you think a MAP movement will form then someone like Michael Jackson is probably going to be appropriated as a mascot, icon or a symbol.
What are your thoughts? Do you think I am glorifying criminal acts? Or Am I completely spot on (and really attractive).
I want to thank the host of this website for platforming me. I really appreciate it. Thank you for reading this.
This article was written by Boe (Bohemian Philistine).
*Updated on Nov 13, 2024. Reason: Added Carrd blog link.